The Author

The Author
Brian Haggard

My Dyslexia

Having the skill to write, spell, and punctuate has never been my strong suit. Growing up as a young child I was always nurtured to be creative and artistic which came naturally to me but I could never quite grasp written language. I now know that it's a learning disabilty with a name: DYSLEXIA.

I write from the heart and I make my best effort to get the words on the page properly but as you'll see I don't always succeed. I ask you to enjoy what I write and post but to be understanding and kind. Brian

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm back!

 Hello friends! I have missed you. I am having some technical problems with posting and after having a expert look at it, I am so glad to tell you for once it's not me. I have so much to post please stay tuned. Also check back often.

Here's a design for you to download, copy or trace onto your piece and embroider as you see fit. The rest of this design is featured in the Summer 2012 issue of Pat Winter's great Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine.
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Jeannette said...

Hi Brian & welcome back, Since you've been gone I'm back crazy quilting, taking Pat's two classes on Artful Gatherings and the best of all, I've come to know you and your art.

I download your book on my Kindle because I couldn't wait still you book arrived.

Have you ever seen something and it was first sight? Well, that's what happened when I saw your article in Pat's magazine.

I loved at first sight your beige & blue pillow with the very elegant ciggie. I went to my stash and I had plenty of those colors and 2 ciggie of young ladies in regany dress. Don't know which I want to use. My mission is not to copy yours but get a similar feel. I just hope that I can to justice to your art.

Thank you for the free designs in Pat's magazine.I can't wait to try them. I love working with 5 perle. DMC is inexpensive,but also has a sheen to it. The other perle thread that I love for the hand dyed effect is Sassa Lynne in Britian.

Brian, you don't know me, but I'm Jeannette Sinclair from Elverson, PA. I have wonderful husband, 2 crazy cats and my horse, "Willie" is the love my after dh.

I'm working on one of Shannon's Kits of Sweet Inspirationl. It is basically monochomic. I'll send you a pix when I'm finished if you like.

Best wishes :)))

Anonymous said...

Janet, So glad to be of help, and you are really to kind I do thank you for all your lovely comments.
I to am a fan of Pat Winter and she is amazeing. Until next time keep stitching, Brian

Mary said...

I love these designs you draw and hope to download and try this one. I really enjoy looking at your work.

crazypatch said...

Merci Brian, J'aime bien ce dessin et je prendrai du plaisir à le réaliser. Thank Brian, lovely design

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