The Author

The Author
Brian Haggard

My Dyslexia

Having the skill to write, spell, and punctuate has never been my strong suit. Growing up as a young child I was always nurtured to be creative and artistic which came naturally to me but I could never quite grasp written language. I now know that it's a learning disabilty with a name: DYSLEXIA.

I write from the heart and I make my best effort to get the words on the page properly but as you'll see I don't always succeed. I ask you to enjoy what I write and post but to be understanding and kind. Brian

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mrs. Haberdasher

This is a piece I created for Houston Quilt Market. It was in Windham Fabric's booth and featured in Schoolhouse. I've called it Mrs. Haberdasher
She's the lady in the middle of the quilt.  Her photo has been in my collection for a long time and now she has a place of honor. This quilt highlights an antique wool stocking, a great pair of glasses, pictures of great people past, handmade flowers with yo-yo centers made by my dear friend, Sally Frances, and a hanky.  I would be remiss if I did not mention the convenience panels from the fabric line so you don't even have to make your own squares to place in the quilt! 
I might also mention the shading on the middle border is BAM (Brian's Aging Mist.) It adds a nice touch, doesn't it? Chat soon friends. Until next time, keep stitching.  Brian
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Pamela Kellogg said...

Hi Brian, such amazing creativity. I just love the antique look of your work. Although I adore the brighter colors that I generally use too. I think I just love it all!


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